How to have a Pinterest worthy closet and feel more empowered by your outfits

Learn my step-by-step process that doesn’t include pulling everything out of your closet and blowing up your bedroom!




I see you…

Feeling overwhelmed by the thought of organising your closet because you have too many clothes and it will take too long. 

Wearing the same things over and over again because you don’t have full organised visibility over what you own.

Rushing to be ready for your busy day, and settling for the first outfit you can find.

Buying more of the same clothes and not what you might necessarily need to complete the perfect outfit.

Holding on to pieces that are cluttering your closet as the ghost of sizes past.

Let me help you transform your closet from
chaos to a curated haven.

Unlock the secrets to efficient organisation, allowing you to effortlessly piece together outfits that make you feel confident and ready for the day.

Are you tired of staring at a cluttered closet, feeling overwhelmed and uninspired each morning?

Then it’s time to get ready for a closet glow up!

Collectively Organise


Your Closet

Professional wardrobe organisation guide.

Welcome to a closet where you can step into a beautifully organised space that reflects your style and empowers you to conquer the day.

Ditch the overwhelm of closet organisation and say goodbye to the days of pulling everything out, only to feel more buried in chaos. Instead, let me guide you through a comprehensive step-by-step process that will help you approach your closet, without disrupting your entire space.

Transform your closet for only $39!

Collectively Organise Your Closet Ebook.

Here’s a sneak peek of what’s inside the ebook…

  • Pre-tasks of what you need to do before you start organising your closet

  • A step-by-step process to guide you through exactly what to do and when to do it

  • Accountability prompts (like making sure you don’t drive around with donations in your car for 3 months)

  • Before and after pics to inspire you

  • Maintenance tips and tricks

Jess Schultz professional home organiser and Founder of Collectively Organised.

The home organiser with a passion for women’s closets and helping them connect with their unique style in every season of life.

Since starting my business, Collectively Organised in 2021, I've worked in over 200 homes, with clients continuously coming back for me to organise more spaces in their home.

I've met many incredible women with stunning clothes but they are spending all their energy curating spaces for their family or children throughout the rest of their home and not truly allowing themselves to curate an organised space for their great clothes. That is why I want to help women, like you, start your day feeling empowered to be more creative with your outfits.

This ebook is your ticket to an empowered start every day. Here's to making your closet a space of inspiration and empowerment.

Jess x

Hi, I’m Jess!

Transform your closet from a hot mess to your own organised glow up!

Closet Before
Closet After
Closet Before
Closet After
Closet Before
Closet After

Got questions?

  • After you purchase the ebook you will receive a confirmation email with the ebook attached.

  • I totally understand that your time is valuable. Even if you’re considering hiring a home organiser, this guide offers a great starting point of how to prepare and maximise the time of a home organiser working with you and can save you money on the overall service.

  • Yes! Watch this space. There’s so much more to come.

  • This can depend on the volume and size of your closet but I estimate between 3 to 7 hours. But don’t forget this doesn’t have to be done all at once. This ebook is broken up into stages so that you can either complete the project in 1 day or in multiple stages over a time period that works for you.


A new beginning for you and your closet?